Water Conservation - Liberty Landscape

10 Painless Ways to Practice Water Conservation

Are you often confronted with high water bills or concerned about the visible signs of water shortage? If so, you’re not alone.

As homeowners, we frequently grapple with these concerns on a daily basis. At Liberty Landscape, we understand the pressing need for water conservation. We’re passionate about equipping you with easy-to-implement water conservation tips that not only lower your bills but also contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Water conservation is much more than just cutting down consumption. It’s a lifestyle adjustment, a step towards becoming more environmentally responsible. With drought-prone zones expanding and unpredictable climate changes, saving water has become a critical necessity. Even the smallest measures can bring about substantial changes, right from ensuring leak-free faucets to practicing efficient dishwashing.

Before we delve into the specifics of these tips, here’s a quick rundown of essential water-saving strategies:

  • Fix leaks promptly as they can result in significant waste
  • Use high-efficiency toilets and faucets
  • Run dishwashers and washing machines with full loads only
  • Install water-efficient appliances and fixtures
  • Use native plants in landscaping that require less water
  • Consider water recycling methods

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With these crucial water conservation tips, you can make impactful changes in your daily routines. As we progress through this article, we’ll explore each of these strategies in depth to help you integrate water conservation seamlessly into your lifestyle. Every little step matters. Let’s get started on this water-saving journey together.

Understanding the Importance of Water Conservation

Water is the lifeblood of our planet. Without it, life as we know it would simply not exist. However, this vital resource is under threat due to a variety of factors including climate change, population growth, and inefficient use. As a result, water conservation has become a crucial issue that affects us all.

Why is water conservation important? It’s simple. Water conservation helps to ensure a reliable supply of this precious resource for future generations. It also helps to reduce the energy required to process and deliver water, which helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources. Additionally, using water efficiently helps to reduce the strain on our water systems and infrastructure, which can save money on utility bills and help to postpone the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe that water conservation is a responsibility that we all share. By practicing efficient water use and adopting water-saving habits, we can help to conserve water, save money, and ensure the sustainability of our water resources for future generations.

Let’s take an in-depth look at some easy to follow water conservation tips that you can start practicing today, both inside and outside your home. These tips are not only designed to help you save water but also to make water conservation a part of your daily routine.

water conservation - water conservation tips

Every small change can make a significant difference in promoting water conservation. Whether it’s fixing a leak promptly, installing high-efficiency appliances, or simply turning off the tap when not in use, these actions can have a considerable impact on reducing water waste.

Let’s dive into these strategies and explore how you can integrate water conservation seamlessly into your lifestyle.

1. Fix Leaks Promptly

One of the simplest yet most effective water conservation tips is to fix leaks promptly. Whether it’s a dripping faucet or a running toilet, even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water over time.

Check Faucets and Pipes for Leaks
Even a small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day. Bigger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons. Some leaks might be obvious, but others might require a bit more effort to detect. By drying sinks and tubs thoroughly and leaving them for an hour, you can spot any wetness that indicates a leak.

Check Your Toilets for Leaks
A quick way to check for toilet leaks is by adding a little food coloring to your toilet tank. If the color begins to seep into the bowl within 30 minutes without flushing, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately. Most replacement parts are inexpensive and easy to install.

Use Your Water Meter to Check for Hidden Water Leaks
Your house’s water meter can help you uncover hidden leaks. Read the meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter readings differ, there’s a leak somewhere.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand the importance of addressing leaks promptly to conserve water and save on water bills. We’re here to assist you in maintaining a sustainable and beautiful outdoor space without unnecessary water waste.

2. Install High-Efficiency Toilets and Faucets

One of the most straightforward water conservation tips we can offer is to upgrade the fixtures in your home. High-efficiency toilets and faucets can significantly reduce your water consumption.

Switch to High-Efficiency Toilets

A typical toilet can use up to 200 gallons of water per day if it’s leaky, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. That’s a lot of wasted water! By switching to high-efficiency toilets, or installing a plastic container filled with water or gravel in your conventional toilet tank, you can notably reduce this amount. Just make sure the container doesn’t interfere with the toilet’s flushing mechanism.

Upgrade to Low-Flow Faucets and Showerheads

The bathroom and kitchen faucets, along with the showerheads, are some of the biggest water guzzlers in your home. And a significant amount of this water can be saved by simply installing low-flow faucets and showerheads. A low-flow faucet aerator is an easy and cost-effective water conservation method. It can be easily fitted on your existing faucet, reducing its water flow without compromising the water pressure.

For showers, installing a water-efficient showerhead can make a significant difference. These showerheads use less than 2.5 gallons of water per minute, compared to the 5 to 10 gallons used by regular ones.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe in sustainable practices that not only conserve water but also save you money in the long term. Upgrading to high-efficiency toilets and installing low-flow faucets and showerheads are simple steps that can make a big difference to your water usage.

In our next section, we’ll explore more water conservation tips for efficient dishwashing.

3. Practice Efficient Dishwashing

A significant amount of water is used in our kitchens, particularly when washing dishes. The good news is that there are several effective water conservation strategies that you can easily implement.

Use Dishwashers Efficiently

Dishwashers are a common kitchen appliance, and contrary to what you might think, they can be a smart choice for saving water. According to research, dishwashers typically use less water than washing dishes by hand, especially if you have an Energy Star model which is designed to be even more water-efficient.

When using a dishwasher, make sure to run it only when it’s fully loaded. This maximizes the efficiency of each wash cycle. Additionally, if you have a newer model, you can cut back on rinsing dishes before loading them, which can save gallons of water each time you run your dishwasher.

Hand-Washing Dishes

If you prefer to wash dishes by hand or don’t have a dishwasher, there are still ways to conserve water. One effective method is to fill one sink or basin with warm soapy water for washing, and the other with clean water for rinsing. This way, you avoid letting the faucet run continuously while you’re washing.

Do you have pots and pans with hardened food residue? Instead of letting the water run as you scrape them clean, a smarter approach is to soak them in warm water first. This softens the residue, making it easier to scrub off and saving water in the process.

In our journey towards water conservation, every drop counts. Efficient dishwashing is just one of the many water conservation tips we can incorporate into our daily routines. Small changes can make a big difference, and it all starts with us. At Liberty Landscape, we’re passionate about promoting sustainable practices, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

4. Efficient Use of Drinking Water

Practicing efficient use of drinking water is a simple yet crucial part of water conservation. As with other areas of water usage, it’s about making small adjustments to our daily habits. Here’s how you can make a difference.

Use a Designated Drinking Glass or Refillable Water Bottle

Eliminating the need for multiple glasses or cups throughout the day can save a significant amount of water. By designating a single glass for your daily drinking water, you reduce the amount of dishwashing needed. The same applies if you opt for a refillable water bottle. Both options not only save water but also reduce clutter in your home.

Keep a Pitcher of Drinking Water in the Refrigerator

Another efficient way to conserve water is to keep a pitcher of drinking water in the refrigerator. This eliminates the need to let the tap run until the water is cool enough to drink, thus saving several gallons of water over time.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe that these small changes to our daily routines can add up to significant water savings. Along with our other water conservation tips, these practices can help us use water more wisely and sustainably.

5. Smart Cooking and Food Preparation

Another area where we can make significant strides in water conservation is in our kitchens. By making minor adjustments to how we prepare and cook our food, we can save gallons of water each day.

Defrost Food in the Refrigerator

A common practice in many households is to use running water to thaw frozen food. However, this method can lead to extensive water waste. Instead, plan ahead and defrost food items in the refrigerator. It’s a simple switch that not only saves water but is also safer for food handling, as it keeps the food at a safe temperature, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

Reuse Leftover Water from Cooked or Steamed Foods

While cooking, we often discard the water used for boiling or steaming foods. But did you know this water can be repurposed? Instead of pouring it down the drain, consider using it to start a nutritious soup or stew. It’s a smart way to conserve water and also adds extra flavor and nutrients to your meals.

These are just a couple of the many ways to conserve water in the kitchen. By adopting these and other water-saving practices, you can significantly reduce your household’s water footprint. At Liberty Landscape, we’re committed to promoting sustainable practices, both inside and outside the home. Check out our other water conservation tips to learn more.

6. Efficient Laundry Practices

One considerable way to practice water conservation is by optimizing your laundry routine. Let’s explore some simple yet effective water conservation tips you can implement today.

Wash Full Loads

A standard washing machine uses around 30 to 45 gallons of water per load. However, it uses virtually the same amount of water regardless of the size of the load. Therefore, it’s far more water-efficient to wait until you have a full load to run your washer. This way, you’ll use less water per garment, reducing your water usage over time.

Use Cold Water

Did you know you can also save water by washing your clothes in cold water? Cold water is often just as effective for cleaning your clothes, plus it helps to preserve the color and texture of your fabrics over time. Most importantly, you will reduce the energy needed to heat the water, which indirectly contributes to water conservation by reducing the demand for power plants that consume substantial amounts of water.

If you’re in the market for a new washer, consider a high-efficiency machine. According to Energy Star, these machines use 35% – 50% less water and 50% less energy per load. Over time, a high-efficiency washer can result in significant water and energy savings.

Every drop of water saved contributes to a more sustainable environment. At Liberty Landscape, we believe in the power of small changes for significant impact. Implementing these water conservation tips in your laundry routine is a simple yet efficient step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

7. Outdoor Water Conservation

Making changes to your outdoor habits can also contribute significantly to water conservation. Here are a couple of outdoor water conservation tips to help you save water without compromising on the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space.

Create a Water-Smart Landscape

One of the most effective ways to conserve water outdoors is to create a water-smart landscape. This involves using native plants that require less water, installing moisture sensors on sprinkler systems, and watering your plants during the coolest part of the day to minimize evaporation .

By using native plants, you’re choosing species that are adapted to your local climate and therefore require less water. This is an important strategy for those in drought-prone regions such as California. If you need help selecting the right native plants or installing a water-efficient irrigation system, our team at Liberty Landscape is here to help. We are experts in creating beautiful, functional, and water-efficient landscapes that cater to your unique needs and preferences.

Using moisture sensors on your sprinkler systems helps to ensure that your garden is only watered when necessary, preventing overwatering and water waste. By watering early in the morning, you allow the water to soak into the ground before the heat of the day causes evaporation, ensuring your plants get the moisture they need without wasting water.

Use a Pool Cover to Reduce Evaporation

If you have a swimming pool, using a pool cover when the pool is not in use can significantly reduce water loss due to evaporation. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a pool cover can limit evaporation, saving hundreds of gallons of water each month.

Every drop counts. Even simple changes like these can make a significant difference in your water consumption. And at Liberty Landscape, we’re not just about creating beautiful outdoor spaces. We’re also committed to promoting sustainable practices that protect our precious water resources. Together, let’s make water conservation a way of life.

8. Use Water-Efficient Appliances and Fixtures

One of the most effective water conservation tips we can offer is to make smart choices when it comes to the appliances and fixtures you use both indoors and outdoors. Upgrading to water-efficient products is an investment that can significantly reduce your water usage, saving both resources and money in the long run.

WaterSense Labeled Products

We highly recommend products that carry the WaterSense label. This label, backed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indicates that a product meets the EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance. These products provide the same quality and performance you expect but use significantly less water.

Whether it’s a faucet, showerhead, or irrigation controller, WaterSense-labeled products are designed to help you use water efficiently without sacrificing performance. By using these products in your home or business, you’re not only conserving water but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

ENERGY STAR Qualified Appliances

When it comes to appliances like dishwashers and washing machines, look for those that are ENERGY STAR qualified. These appliances are not just energy-efficient, but they also use less water compared to standard models. For instance, an ENERGY STAR-certified washing machine uses about 33% less water than non-certified models.

Switching to these appliances can result in substantial water savings. And remember – every drop counts. At Liberty Landscape, we’re committed to helping you create beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces. Whether it’s through the plants we select, the irrigation systems we install, or the water conservation tips we share, our goal is to protect our precious water resources.

In the next section, we will delve into how you can apply water conservation principles in your landscaping. Get ready to learn how native plants and smart irrigation systems can transform your outdoor space into a water-smart landscape.

9. Water Conservation in Landscaping

Landscaping is an essential aspect of your outdoor aesthetics, but without proper planning, it can be a significant water consumer. By implementing a few key water conservation tips, you can create a beautiful, sustainable landscape that not only saves water but also becomes a haven for local wildlife.

Use Native Plants That Require Less Water

One of the easiest ways to practice water conservation in your landscape is to use native plants. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, which means they generally require less water than non-native species. They’re also more resistant to local plant diseases, further reducing their maintenance needs.

At Liberty Landscape, we’re seeing an increasing demand for designs that incorporate plants native to the Kansas City and Columbia regions. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we encourage the use of native plants to create a unique, local touch to your landscape design. This approach not only aids in water conservation but also supports local wildlife and biodiversity, promoting a healthier local ecosystem.

Install Moisture Sensors on Sprinkler Systems

Efficient watering systems can greatly reduce the amount of water used for lawns, shrubs, and flower beds. One way to achieve this is by installing moisture sensors on your sprinkler systems. These sensors can accurately determine when your plants need watering, eliminating the guesswork and preventing both over and under-watering.

Moisture sensors work by detecting the water content of your soil and activating the sprinkler system only when necessary. This means you’re only using the exact amount of water your plants need, saving water and promoting healthier plant growth.

Another smart watering system we recommend at Liberty Landscape is the soaker hose or a drip irrigation system. These systems deliver water slowly and directly to the base of the plant, allowing the moisture to soak deep into the soil and reducing water waste.

By carefully positioning your sprinklers, using moisture sensors, and selecting native plants, you can significantly reduce water usage in your landscape while maintaining a beautiful outdoor space. As always, we at Liberty Landscape are here to provide expert advice and assistance for all your landscaping needs.

In the next section, we will explore how embracing water recycling can further aid in your water conservation efforts.

10. Embrace Water Recycling

One of the most effective water conservation tips is to embrace water recycling. This involves using water more than once before it returns to the natural water cycle. Not only does this practice save water, but it also reduces the demand for our freshwater resources. Let’s delve into two practical ways to do this.

Use Treated Wastewater for Irrigation

One viable option is to use treated wastewater for irrigation. This is particularly beneficial for maintaining large landscapes and gardens. By using properly treated wastewater, you not only conserve water but also provide essential nutrients for the plants. While this method might not be applicable to all homeowners due to local regulations and the need for specific treatment systems, it’s certainly a practice worth considering if available in your area.

Install or Use Water Features That Recycle Water

Incorporating water features into your landscape can bring a sense of tranquility and beauty to your outdoor space. However, water features like fountains and waterfalls can consume a significant amount of water if they constantly draw from a freshwater supply.

As a solution, opt for water features that recycle water. These systems reuse the same water, reducing the overall water usage significantly. If you already have a water feature that doesn’t recycle water, consider retrofitting it to become more water-efficient. During droughts or water shortages, it’s best to turn off these water features to conserve water.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe in creating beautiful landscapes that are also sustainable and eco-friendly. We can help you design and install water features that not only add aesthetic value to your property but also promote water conservation. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Water conservation is not just about reducing water use; it’s also about making the most of the water we have. By embracing water recycling, you can contribute to water conservation efforts while maintaining a beautiful and vibrant landscape.


Water conservation is a crucial issue that affects us all. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or simply someone who cares about the environment, practicing water conservation can make a significant difference. With these water conservation tips, you can make easy changes to your lifestyle and landscaping practices that not only save water but also save money and contribute to a more sustainable future.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand the importance of water conservation. We work tirelessly to create stunning, sustainable outdoor spaces that resonate with our clients’ lifestyles while also respecting the environment. We believe a beautiful landscape and water conservation can go hand in hand.

Our commitment goes beyond just providing water-efficient landscaping services. We also strive to educate our clients on practical water conservation tips they can implement in their daily lives. From fixing leaks promptly to installing high-efficiency appliances, and from creating water-smart landscapes to embracing water recycling, each step, no matter how small, can make a significant impact.

Water conservation is not a one-time effort, but a continuous practice. It requires a commitment to making conscious decisions that prioritize water efficiency. It may seem like a challenge at first, but with time, you’ll find that these practices become second nature. Not only will you be playing a part in conserving a precious resource, but you’ll also notice the benefits in the form of reduced water bills and a healthier, more vibrant backyard.

Whether you need help creating a water-efficient landscape or are looking for more tips and tricks to conserve water, we’re here to help. Reach out to us today, and let’s work together to create beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces.

The Role of Liberty Landscape in Promoting Water Conservation

As a leading landscaping company in Kansas City, we at Liberty Landscape understand the importance of water conservation and we’re committed to helping our clients incorporate effective water-saving strategies into their outdoor spaces. Our expertise enables us to provide practical, easy-to-implement water conservation tips that can make a substantial difference in the water you use daily.

Sustainable Landscaping

One of the key ways we promote water conservation is through sustainable landscaping. This involves designing and maintaining outdoor spaces in a way that reduces water use and promotes biodiversity. For instance, we encourage the use of native and local plants that are adapted to your region’s climate and soil conditions, requiring less watering and being more resistant to local pests and diseases.

We also recommend installing drip irrigation or soaker hoses that deliver water directly to your plant’s roots, reducing evaporation and water waste. This not only ensures maximum water absorption but also helps reduce water waste, leading to a healthier garden and lower water bills.

Efficient Watering Practices

Understanding the best time and method to water plants is critical for water conservation. We guide our clients on optimal watering practices, emphasizing the importance of watering at the base of the plant to ensure maximum water absorption and reduce water waste.

Additionally, we highlight the impact of weather and seasons on watering schedules, providing tips on how to adjust watering practices during hot weather and winter conditions to ensure plants receive adequate hydration without excessive water use.

Embracing Water Recycling

We encourage our clients to embrace water recycling in their outdoor spaces. This could be in the form of using treated wastewater for irrigation or installing water features that recycle water. For instance, we advise against installing or using ornamental water features unless they recycle the water, especially during a drought.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe that every drop of water counts. By making small changes in our daily routines and the way we care for our gardens, we can contribute significantly to water conservation efforts. Whether you’re looking for water-smart landscape design or need advice on sustainable gardening practices, we’re here to help.

For more water conservation tips or to explore our range of landscaping services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we can create beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces that not only enhance your home’s aesthetics but also contribute positively to the local environment.

Sustainable Landscaping - water conservation tips