Tool Maintenance - Liberty Landscape

How to Maintain Landscaping Tools in 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with gardening or other outdoor work because your tools weren’t in the best shape? Or perhaps you’ve noticed your once shiny and sharp tools have become dull, rusty, and difficult to use? In either case, landscaping tools maintenance plays a pivotal role in the success of your gardening or landscaping projects.

Importance of Landscaping Tools Maintenance

The importance of maintaining your landscaping tools cannot be overstated. A dull, rusty tool doesn’t perform effectively, leading to more time spent working in the garden as well as unnecessary strain on your body. Moreover, bacteria and fungi from the soil can build up on your tools and spread across your garden, potentially causing harm to the plants you care for so much.

Overview of the 5 Simple Steps

Caring for your tools doesn’t have to be an intimidating task. We break down the maintenance process into 5 simple steps:

  1. Regular cleaning of tools
  2. Rust prevention and removal
  3. Sharpening your tools
  4. Proper storage of tools
  5. Regular inspection and treatment of wooden handles

By following these steps, you’ll be able to keep your tools in optimal condition, enhancing your gardening efficiency and enjoyment.

infographic summarizing the 5 steps of landscaping tools maintenance - landscaping tools maintenance infographic roadmap-5-steps

Step 1: Regular Cleaning of Tools

At Liberty Landscape, we strongly emphasize the importance of regular cleaning of your landscaping tools. Regular cleaning is the first and most crucial step in landscaping tools maintenance.

Importance of Cleaning Tools After Each Use

Every time you use your landscaping tools, they come into contact with dirt, bacteria, fungi, and insects from the soil. If any of these elements are undesirable, such as weed seeds or pathogens, they can easily be spread from one part of your garden to another, causing more harm than good. Therefore, it’s crucial to clean your tools after each use to prevent such problems.

Moreover, tools with wooden handles and metal fixtures are prone to drying out, splintering, rust, and corrosion. Cleaning them regularly and storing them properly after every use is essential for preserving their quality and extending their lifespan.

How to Clean Tools: Warm Water and Brush Technique

Cleaning your tools doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Simply rinse off any excess or caked-on soil after each use. If the dirt is stubborn, you can use a wire brush to scrub it off. Once clean, make sure to dry your tools completely before storing them. Leaving moisture on the tools can lead to rust or corrosion.

For a more thorough clean, especially if your tools were exposed to diseased plants or harmful fungi, give them a good washing with soap and warm water. Again, make sure to dry them completely before storing them.

Preventing the Spread of Weed Seeds or Pathogens

Preventing the spread of weed seeds or pathogens is another important aspect of tool maintenance. After cleaning, you can sanitize your tools by soaking them in a solution of bleach and water. Rinse and dry them thoroughly after sanitizing.

As a bonus tip, you can also use a bucket of sand mixed with boiled linseed oil to clean and protect the metal surfaces of your tools. This method also helps to prevent rust.

In conclusion, regular cleaning of your tools is a simple yet essential step in landscaping tools maintenance. By doing so, you not only help to prolong the life of your tools but also ensure a healthier garden by preventing the spread of harmful elements.

Next, we’ll talk about how to prevent and remove rust from your tools, another crucial aspect of landscaping tools maintenance.

Step 2: Rust Prevention and Removal

When it comes to landscaping tools maintenance, preventing and removing rust is a crucial task that shouldn’t be overlooked. Rust on your tools can significantly affect their performance and lifespan.

The Dangers of Rust on Tools

Rust is the result of a chemical reaction between oxygen, water, and metal. It can degrade the quality of your tools, making them less effective and shortening their lifespan. Moreover, rusty tools can also pose a health risk if they cause injury, as tetanus bacteria can live in rust.

How to Remove Rust: Wire Brush or Sandpaper Technique

If you notice rust on your tools, it’s important to act promptly. Begin with a wire brush to knock off the majority of the rust, especially in tight spaces. Following this, use sandpaper (preferably 80 grit) to scrub off any remaining rust. This finer abrasion will effectively remove rust without damaging the tool’s metal. If you have a small electric sander, this process will go a lot quicker. Though, to always wear protective gear such as gloves and eyewear when doing this to avoid injury.

How to Prevent Rust: Oil Treatment

Prevention is always better than cure, and this is particularly true when it comes to rust. One effective way to prevent rust is by applying oil to your tools. But remember, avoid petroleum-based oils as they can contaminate your garden soil. We recommend using Boiled Linseed Oil, a naturally derived product that can be applied to both the metal and wooden parts of your tools. After oiling your tools, let them sit for about 15 minutes before wiping off any excess. This creates a barrier between the metal and the elements, thereby preventing rust.

In conclusion, regular rust prevention and removal is a simple but significant step in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your landscaping tools. In the next section, we’ll discuss the value of keeping your tools sharp. So, don’t go anywhere!

Step 3: Sharpening Your Tools

Just like any other cutting tool, landscaping tools need to be sharp to function efficiently. Dull tools not only require more effort to use but can also damage your plants, leading to unhealthy growth or even disease. That’s why sharpening your tools is an essential part of landscaping tools maintenance.

Why Sharpening Tools is Essential

Sharp tools make work easier and faster. They cut through soil, roots, and branches like butter, reducing the strain on your hands and wrists. Moreover, sharp tools create clean cuts that heal faster, reducing the risk of plant diseases.

How to Sharpen Different Types of Tools

The method of sharpening largely depends on the type of tool and how dull the edge is. For instance, the blades of loppers, pruning shears, and hedge shears can be easily sharpened using a mill file. File in one direction across the beveled edge, lubricating the blades with oil as you sharpen them to avoid damaging the material.

For pruning shears with a curved blade, use a sharpening stone with a contoured, concave edge. This type of stone makes it easier to sharpen the hard-to-reach areas of the blade. Keep the angle at 20 to 30 degrees and sharpen only the cutting blade, not the blunt part.

Using a Grinder for Heavily Used Tools

For heavily used tools like axes, lawn mower blades, and machetes, an electric bench grinder is recommended. However, it’s important to be mindful of the steel material’s temperature. Overheating can cause the blades to lose their temper, making them susceptible to damage and unable to hold a sharpened edge for long. When grinding, keep the steel surface cool enough to touch. Dip the sharpened area in water to cool it down in between sharpening .

Remember to always wear the proper safety gear when using a grinder to protect yourself from injury.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand that not everyone feels comfortable sharpening their tools. If that’s the case, we recommend getting them sharpened professionally.

In the next section, we’ll talk about another crucial aspect of landscaping tools maintenance – proper storage. So, stay tuned!

Step 4: Proper Storage of Tools

Just as cleaning, sharpening, and rust prevention are crucial for landscaping tools maintenance, so is proper storage.

The Role of Proper Storage in Tool Maintenance

Correct storage of your tools can extend their lifespan, keep them in optimal condition, and save you from unnecessary repairs or replacements. When tools are stored properly, it reduces the chance of them getting dented, chipped, or broken. It also helps to prevent rusting and keeps the edges sharp, which is particularly important for cutting and pruning tools.

Best Practices for Storing Landscaping Tools

Here at Liberty Landscape, we recommend a few best practices when it comes to storing your tools.

  1. Clean Before Storing: Always clean your tools before putting them away. This step, as we’ve already discussed, can prevent the spread of diseases and insects and also keeps your storage area clean.
  2. Dry Your Tools: After cleaning, ensure your tools are completely dry before storing them to prevent rust.
  3. Individual Storage Spaces: Store each tool in its own space. This can help to prevent rust and keeps the edges sharp.
  4. Ideal Storage Location: Store your weeding tools near the garden and cutting and pruning tools near shrubberies and woods for easy access.
  5. Use of Storage Equipment: Consider utilizing wooden boxes, tool racks, pegboards, or hooks for organized storage. Small handheld tools with a sharp edge can be kept in a bucket filled with sand as suggested by EcoGardener.

The Benefits of Hanging Tools on a Wall

Hanging your tools on a wall is another effective storage method. It not only saves floor space but also makes it easy to see and access your tools when you need them. Hanging tools by their handles can prevent damage to their working ends and helps to keep them dry, which can prevent rusting.

In summary, proper storage of tools is a key aspect of landscaping tools maintenance. It not only keeps your tools in good shape but also makes your gardening tasks more efficient and enjoyable. In the next section, we will discuss the importance of regular inspection and treatment of wooden handles as part of the maintenance process.

Landscaping Tools Storage - landscaping tools maintenance

Step 5: Regular Inspection and Treatment of Wooden Handles

After proper storage of your tools, the final step of maintaining your landscaping tools is the regular inspection and treatment of wooden handles.

The Importance of Inspecting Wooden Handles

Wooden handles are a common feature in many landscaping tools. Over time, they can develop minor cracks or become splintered, which can lead to injuries during use. Regular inspection of these handles is crucial in preventing such accidents and extending the lifespan of your tools.

How to Treat Splintering Handles

If your tool’s wooden handle is splintering, it’s best to act swiftly. Start by taking some 150-grit sandpaper across the grain. Follow this by sanding along the grain to remove the splintery material. Then, finish sanding along the grain with some 220-grit sandpaper to get a smooth finish and remove potential splinters. Minor cracks can be reinforced with heavy-duty tape, such as hockey stick tape, but any severely cracked handles should be replaced immediately to prevent potential injuries.

Using Finishing Oil for Handle Durability

For further protection and longevity, generously apply a finishing oil, such as boiled linseed oil, to the handle. This oil not only conditions the wood but also acts as a moisture barrier, preventing the wood from drying out and cracking. Apply the oil with a paper towel, let it sit for 20 minutes, then wipe off any excess. If your tool continues to soak up plenty of oil after 20 minutes, repeat the process until it seems to have absorbed all it can handle.

Landscaping tools maintenance is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that keeps your tools in top shape, ensuring that they serve you well for many gardening seasons to come.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand the importance of maintaining your tools as part of your overall landscaping efforts. We hope that these simple steps will help you keep your tools in the best condition, making your gardening tasks more efficient and enjoyable. If you have any further questions or need more advice on landscaping tools maintenance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always eager to assist you with your landscaping needs.


In this guide, we’ve explored five simple steps that play a crucial role in landscaping tools maintenance: regular cleaning, rust prevention and removal, sharpening, proper storage, and regular inspection and treatment of wooden handles. Each step plays a significant part in ensuring the longevity and performance of your tools.

Recap of the 5 Simple Steps

  1. Regular Cleaning of Tools: Remove soil and debris after each use to prevent the spread of diseases and prolong the life of your tools.
  2. Rust Prevention and Removal: Keep your tools rust-free with regular cleaning, drying, and oiling. If rust does appear, it can be removed with a wire brush or sandpaper.
  3. Sharpening Your Tools: Keep your tools sharp to make your gardening tasks easier and more efficient.
  4. Proper Storage of Tools: Store your tools in a well-ventilated, dry area to prevent rust and corrosion.
  5. Regular Inspection and Treatment of Wooden Handles: Regularly inspect and treat wooden handles to prevent drying out and splintering.

The Impact of Regular Maintenance on the Longevity and Performance of Tools

Proper maintenance not only extends the life of your landscaping tools but also enhances their performance. A well-maintained tool is easier to use and can help you complete your gardening tasks more efficiently. Moreover, regular maintenance helps prevent the spread of diseases in your garden, contributing to the overall health of your plants.

Final Thoughts on Landscaping Tools Maintenance

Landscaping tools maintenance is a crucial aspect of garden care that often gets overlooked. But remember, the longevity and effectiveness of your tools are directly impacted by how well they’re maintained. By following these simple steps, you can ensure your tools are always in top shape, ready to help you create and maintain a beautiful, thriving garden.

For further insights on taking care of your landscape, check out our landscaping maintenance tips for different seasons or learn how to maintain your landscape. And if you need professional assistance with your landscaping, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you make the most of your outdoor space.

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