Landscape Budgeting - Liberty Landscape

Landscape Budgeting: The Ultimate Guide For 2024

Quick Summary of Landscape Budgeting:
– A good starting point for your landscaping budget is 5-10% of your home’s value.
– Ward off unpleasant surprises by inventorying your property and identifying potential necessary improvements.
– Prioritize spending on structural updates such as pruning and irrigation, setting aside a buffer for unexpected costs.
– Formulate a wishlist of key features that improve quality of life and fit within your budget.
– Make sure your budget covers necessary recurring costs such as lawn maintenance and irrigation.

Ever looked out your window and longed for a more aesthetically pleasing view? Or wished for an outdoor space where you could entertain guests, unwind, and enjoy the beauty of nature right in your backyard?

How do you marry your landscaping dreams with your financial realities to create a yard that is functional, beautiful, and sustainable? Welcome to our definitive guide to landscape budgeting.

Budgeting isn’t just about setting limits; it’s also about identifying your priorities, understanding your options, and discovering innovative, cost-effective solutions that align with your vision and lifestyle.

So whether you’re building a new landscape from scratch or revitalizing an existing one, let’s embark on this exciting journey towards creating your dream outdoor space that doesn’t break the bank.

Infographic depicting basics of Landscape budgeting - landscape budgeting infographic pillar-5-steps

Understanding the Importance of Landscaping

Landscaping is more than just an aesthetic enhancement to your property. It’s an investment that adds significant value and joy to your life. In this section, we delve into the impact of landscaping on property value and quality of life.

How Landscaping Increases Property Value

Research shows that well-landscaped homes can command a price up to 12% higher than those without landscaping (Liberty Landscape). How does this work?

Curb Appeal: A beautifully landscaped property creates a strong first impression. It adds charm and character to your property, winning over potential buyers even before they step inside.

Functionality: When construction and landscaping are done right, they create functional spaces that extend the living space outdoors. Patios, decks, and outdoor kitchens are examples of outdoor spaces that increase a property’s usability and value.

Environmental Sustainability: Today’s homebuyers are increasingly conscious about eco-friendliness. Landscaping projects incorporating sustainable elements like native plants, effective drainage, and efficient irrigation systems can be a selling point, thereby increasing property value.

At Liberty Landscape, we’ve seen firsthand how our services can boost property value. For instance, one of our clients in Kansas City saw a significant increase in their property’s market value after we revamped their backyard with a custom patio and a low-maintenance garden.

The Impact of Landscaping on Quality of Life

Besides increasing property value, a well-designed landscape significantly enhances your quality of life. For example, elements such as rock and mulch not only fight weeds and regulate soil moisture, but also add a touch of beauty to your outdoor spaces (Liberty Landscape).

Good lighting is crucial in making your yard look great and creating a cozy atmosphere for nighttime activities. We strategically place different types of lights to highlight certain areas, like pathways or gardens, making your space not just beautiful but also safe.

Our professional landscaping services are designed to not just meet but exceed your expectations, transforming your outdoor space into a stunning, functional, and sustainable haven.

In the end, understanding the importance of landscaping is the first step to effective landscape budgeting. It helps you appreciate the value it brings to your property and life, motivating you to allocate resources wisely for maximum return on your investment.

Preparing for Your Landscaping Project

Now that you understand the value of landscaping, it’s time to prepare for your project. This preparation phase is crucial for effective landscape budgeting and can significantly influence the success of your project. Here’s how you can set your project up for success.

Inspecting and Inventorying Your Property

Before anything else, inspect and inventory your property. This involves taking a detailed look at your outdoor space and noting down what you already have. Are there plants that have gotten lost in the overgrowth and need only to be relocated or pruned to regain their former glory?

Or perhaps there are hardscape materials such as bricks or a rusty railing that could be repurposed for a walkway or a garden trellis? As Risa Edelstein, president of the Ecological Landscaping Association, emphasizes, “A lot of people have no idea what they have.” (source: HGTV).

This inventory process not only helps you assess the potential of your existing landscape but also aids in identifying areas that need immediate attention.

Seeking Inspiration for Your Landscape Design

Next, it’s time to seek inspiration for your landscape design. Look at other properties in your neighborhood, browse landscaping websites, or visit our landscaping product page to explore your options.

Gathering ideas can help you visualize the possibilities for your outdoor space and give you a clearer sense of what you want to achieve.

Creating a Wishlist for Your Landscape

Finally, create a wishlist for your landscape. This is a list of everything you’d love to have in your outdoor space, from an outdoor kitchen or living room patio to a beautiful backyard vista. Don’t hesitate to dream big! However, you should also ask yourself important questions like: How long do you plan to live in the home?

What are the long-term maintenance costs? This will aid in prioritizing your needs and wants, ensuring your landscape budget aligns with your long-term plans.

In conclusion, preparing for your landscaping project involves inspecting and inventorying your property, seeking design inspiration, and creating a wishlist. By following these steps, you’re well on your way to effective landscape budgeting and a successful landscaping project.

At Liberty Landscape, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. A well-planned project saves not only time but also money and resources. So, let’s get planning!

Setting a Realistic Landscaping Budget

Crafting a realistic budget is a vital part of landscape planning, enabling you to balance your goals and means. At Liberty Landscape, we recommend several steps to set a practical landscape budget, which we’ll explore in detail.

The Role of Home Value in Determining Your Budget

First, consider your home’s value. As mentioned earlier, the American Society of Landscape Architects suggests setting aside 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value for landscaping. This figure provides a solid starting point, although your budget may shift depending on your specific vision and property needs.

Prioritizing Safety, Security, and Essential Features

Next, prioritize safety, security, and essential features. For instance, tree pruning and limb removal are not only aesthetic concerns but safety ones as well. Additionally, your landscape design should account for home security, with adequate lighting and clear sightlines. The costs of these essential services should be factored into your budget early on to ensure they are not overlooked.

Considering the Cost of Materials, Equipment, and Labor

The cost of materials, equipment, and labor is another significant budget consideration. The total will depend on the scale and complexity of your project, as well as your choice between DIY or hiring professionals. For example, the cost of planting beds, perennials, and ground cover can range from $2,600 to $13,700.

While DIY can save on labor costs, professional landscapers like us provide expertise and experience that can prevent costly mistakes and future maintenance issues.

Factoring in Permits, Insurance, and Other Hidden Costs

Finally, remember to account for hidden costs such as permits, insurance, and potential unexpected expenses. Depending on the extent of your landscaping project, you might need to secure city permits. Your local homeowner’s association might also have specific rules and guidelines for landscaping. These hidden costs can vary widely, so a savvy budgeter will earmark a buffer of 5 to 10 percent of the total budget to cover them.

Setting a realistic landscape budget involves careful consideration of many variables. Your home’s value, safety and essential features, material and labor costs, and potential hidden costs should all be factored in. As you navigate through this process, Liberty Landscape is here to provide expert guidance and support. Successful landscape budgeting is a mix of careful planning, informed choices, and a dash of creativity.

Maximizing Your Landscaping Budget

A well-planned landscaping project doesn’t have to break the bank. With careful planning and a keen eye for maximizing value, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that fits within your budget.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand that every dollar counts. That’s why we’ve put together some tips on how to get the most out of your landscaping budget.

The Benefits of Reusing Existing Materials and Plants

The first step in maximizing your landscaping budget is to take an inventory of what you already have. As Risa Edelstein, president of the Ecological Landscaping Association, suggests, you might be surprised to discover a wealth of potential in your existing yard .

Inventory - landscape budgeting

Examine your yard for any materials that can be repurposed. Old bricks could be used for a walkway, or a rusty railing could become a charming garden trellis.

Plants that have become overgrown or lost in the shuffle might simply need a bit of pruning, relocation, or grouping to regain their former glory.

By reusing and recycling materials and plants, you not only save money but also create a unique and personalized garden that tells your story. It’s a win-win situation.

The Advantages of DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Depending on the scale and complexity of your project, doing it yourself could save you a significant amount of money. Simple tasks like planting flowers, mulching, or sealing driveway cracks are all wonderful ways to get your hands dirty and save on labor costs .

However, for larger-scale projects involving excavation, construction, or electrical work, hiring a professional might be the safer and more cost-effective choice in the long run. As Robert Schucker, president of R&S Landscaping, warns, ignoring things like drainage issues can end up costing you a lot more to fix later on .

At Liberty Landscape, we provide a range of professional landscaping services, from initial design to final implementation. Our expertise ensures your project is done right the first time, avoiding costly mistakes and potential headaches down the road.

Exploring Financing Options for Your Landscaping Project

If you’re unsure about budgeting for your landscaping project, don’t fret. There are many financing options available to help you achieve your dream outdoor space. The American Society of Landscape Architects suggests starting with a budget of 5 to 10% of your home’s worth .

Discussing your budget upfront with a landscape professional can help you understand where your money goes and how to allocate it effectively. Also, it’s good to note that a well-designed landscape can add as much as 15% to your home’s value, making it a worthwhile investment.

At Liberty Landscape, we’re committed to helping you make the most of your landscaping budget. From reusing existing materials to advising on cost-effective strategies, we’re with you every step of the way. Together, we can create a beautiful, sustainable outdoor space that not only meets your budget but also exceeds your expectations.

Cost-Effective Landscaping Strategies

Efficient landscape budgeting is not just about determining your costs. It also involves identifying strategies that allow you to get the most value from every dollar spent. Here at Liberty Landscape, we recommend a few key strategies to help you maximize your budget while achieving your dream outdoor space.

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Budget and Climate

The right plants can go a long way in enhancing your outdoor space without breaking the bank. Consider opting for groundcovers, which are cost-effective as you plant a few and they spread on their own, reducing the number of plants that need to be purchased.

Also, consider easy-growing perennials, which come back every year, helping you save money on your spring planting purchases. They are also more resistant to local pests, reducing your maintenance costs. Deer-resistant options, such as Russian sage, bleeding hearts, and yellow alyssum are colorful additions to your garden that can withstand harsh climates.

Utilizing Affordable Hardscaping Materials

Another cost-effective strategy involves the use of affordable hardscaping materials. Some of the most affordable hardscaping materials include mulch, shredded leaves, pea gravel, bark, rocks, brick chips, and sand.

Purchasing hardscaping materials in bulk from a local landscape supply store can be much cheaper than buying bagged rocks or mulch at a home improvement store.

For a budget-friendly upgrade, consider landscaping around a stone walkway using common landscaping materials in unique ways. You can even create a mosaic pattern with different colored stones for added visual appeal.

Implementing Water Conservation Strategies like Xeriscaping


Water conservation strategies are not just environmentally friendly – they can also help you save money. Xeriscaping, for example, involves designing a landscape that minimizes water use.

This can be achieved by choosing drought-resistant native plants, improving soil conditions, and introducing mulching into your landscaping plan.

Investing in Durable, Low-Maintenance Materials and Designs

Investing in durable, low-maintenance materials and designs can save you money in the long run. For instance, choosing permeable materials for hardscaping can reduce landscaping chores while allowing rainwater to irrigate plantings, minimize erosion, and prevent runoff.

Also, selecting trees and shrubs that match the available space can reduce maintenance and avoid unnecessary expenses in the long run. Consider the mature size of the plant to ensure it doesn’t outgrow its allocated space, leading to unnecessary pruning or potential damage to nearby structures.

By implementing these cost-effective strategies, you can create a beautiful outdoor space while staying within your budget. At Liberty Landscape, we’re here to help guide you through these decisions and ensure your landscape is a reflection of your unique needs and preferences.

Estimating the Cost of Common Landscaping Features

Knowing the typical costs of common landscaping features is an important part of landscape budgeting. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions as you plan your outdoor space. Here are some common features and their estimated costs:

The Cost of Planting Beds, Groundcover, and Perennials

Planting beds are a straightforward way to add interest to your yard. The cost will depend on the size of the bed and the materials used. For instance, landscaping fabric, used to control weeds, costs around $20 for a 50-foot roll.

If you choose to create raised planting beds using materials like free pallets or landscape timbers, your cost can be significantly less.

Groundcover plants are another cost-effective option as they naturally spread, reducing the need for many plants. Perennial plants are also a wise investment as they return year after year, helping you save money on your spring planting purchases.

The Cost of DIY Water Features and Ponds

While professionally installed water features can cost several thousands of dollars, DIY options are considerably cheaper. For example, a simple DIY pond can be created for under $200, depending on the size and materials used.

The Cost of Native Species and Drought-Resistant Plants

Opting for native plants can be a budget-friendly choice as they are often less expensive and require less maintenance compared to exotic species. Drought-resistant plants, on the other hand, might carry a higher initial cost but will save you money in water usage in the long run. Our plant experts at Liberty Landscape can help you choose the best options for your space and budget.

The Cost of Containers, Compost Bins, and Other Accessories

Containers can add color and architectural interest to your outdoor space. They can range from $10 to $100 or more, depending on the material and size.

Compost bins, while not a necessity, can help you create nutrient-rich soil for your plants and reduce waste, with costs ranging from $20 to $100.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand that budgeting for landscaping can feel daunting. But with careful planning and understanding of cost estimates, you can create a beautiful, functional outdoor space that fits your budget. We’re here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your landscape reflects your unique needs and preferences.


Balancing Your Budget with Your Landscaping Goals

At the end of the day, successful landscape budgeting is about balance. It’s about aligning your financial resources with your landscaping goals and aspirations.

It’s not about having the most extravagant or expensive features, but rather creating an outdoor space that enhances your quality of life, increases your property value, and brings you joy.

As Nathan Amor, our expert at Liberty Landscape explains, “Creating a balanced outdoor space is about understanding the interplay of different elements and ensuring they work together to create a unified whole. It’s not just about symmetry, but about harmony and flow.”

The Long-Term Value of a Well-Planned Landscape

When done well, a thoughtfully planned and executed landscape design can add up to 15 percent to the value of your home compared to other houses on your street.

Besides its aesthetic appeal, a well-landscaped property can offer numerous environmental benefits, including enhanced energy efficiency and reduced air pollution. It’s an investment that delivers a return not just in dollars but in the improved quality of your daily life.

The Role of Liberty Landscape in Your Landscaping Project

At Liberty Landscape, we understand that every landscaping project is a significant investment. We’re here to guide you through the process, from the initial landscape design consultation to the final project implementation.

We’re committed to creating landscapes that are not only beautiful but also practical, considering your maintenance plan and addressing potential problem areas on your property.

Our team of professionals is skilled in crafting balanced, beautiful outdoor spaces tailored to your personal needs and tastes. We take pride in our commitment to personalized service, meticulous attention to detail, and our ability to understand and meet our clients’ unique needs.

Whether you’re looking to transform your backyard into a serene oasis, create a vibrant and welcoming outdoor space for your business, or simply need guidance on how to maximize your landscaping budget, we’re here to help.

As we conclude this guide, we invite you to explore our services and reach out to us for your landscaping needs. Together, we can bring your vision to life, creating an outdoor space you’ll love for years to come.

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