Curb Appeal Plants - Liberty Landscape

10 Best Curb Appeal Plants: Enhance Your Home

Are you looking to make your front yard stand out and command admiring glances from passersby? We’re here to tell you that the power to do so may just be in the palms of your hands—or better put—the plants in your garden or planter boxes.

Curb appeal matters; it’s the first impression anyone gets of your home or business establishment. A well-landscaped front yard doesn’t merely entice onlookers but can significantly increase property value. A staggering number of realtors – 92%, in fact, recommend that curb appeal be improved prior to listing a property, with ordinary lawn care capable of yielding a 217% return on investment.

The 10 Best Curb Appeal Plants

  1. Boxwood
  2. Invincibelle Mini Mauvette Hydrangea
  3. Knock Out Roses
  4. Rozanne Geranium
  5. Yaku Prince Rhododendron
  6. Gerbera Daisies
  7. Mandevilla
  8. Hosta
  9. Blooming Pentas
  10. Hibiscus

This article provides essential tips on selecting the ideal curb appeal plants for your front yard and explores how each of these ten plants can enhance the visual appeal of your landscape.

Infographic showing the 10 plants for curb appeal - curb appeal plants infographic pillar-4-steps

Whether you possess a deep-seated love for essentially minimalist architectural designs or remain entranced by the charm of country style landscapes, there’s something for you here. Let’s start the exciting journey of transforming your front view with these curb appeal plants.

Understanding the Importance of Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal and Resale Value

Curb appeal is more than just a buzzword; it’s a critical factor in the real estate world. A well-landscaped front yard can make your home stand out, making a positive and lasting impression. This is particularly important if you plan to sell your home in the future; believe it or not, curb appeal can significantly increase the resale value of your property. According to studies, 92% of realtors recommend that sellers enhance their curb appeal before listing their home, with standard lawn care yielding a whopping 217% return on investment! (source: NAR Realtor Magazine).

Role of Plants in Enhancing Curb Appeal

One of the most effective ways to boost curb appeal is through strategic landscaping, particularly the use of curb appeal plants. These are the plants that, when positioned correctly, can significantly improve your home’s street-side view. They can add color, texture, and beauty to your outdoor space, making it more attractive and inviting.

As Nathan Amor, our topic expert at Liberty Landscape, often emphasizes, the right plant choices can highlight your home’s architectural style, complement its color scheme, and create a sense of harmony and balance in your front yard. If you have a modern home, for instance, minimalist garden designs with simple plantings can enhance its sleek, clean lines. On the other hand, a cottage-style landscape, replete with colorful, mixed plantings, would be perfect for a country or farmhouse look.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe in maximizing your yard’s attributes and minimizing its problems to create a stunning street-side view. Our goal is to help you choose the best curb appeal plants for your home, taking into account factors like your home’s architecture, the local climate, and your personal preferences, to create a front yard that not only looks good but also adds value to your property.

So, whether you’re planning to sell your home or just want to make it the best-looking one on the block, investing in curb appeal plants is a smart move. And with our expert guidance, you can create a front yard that is beautiful, sustainable, and reflective of your personal style.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Curb Appeal Plants

Choosing the right curb appeal plants is not just about picking the most colorful or exotic species. There’s a lot more to consider. Here are some factors to keep in mind when making your selection.

Considering the Design and Architecture of Your Home

Your home’s design and architecture play a significant role in determining the best plants for your front yard. The landscape should complement the house’s features, not compete with them. For instance, a minimalist garden would set off a modern building, while a cottage-style landscape complements a country or farmhouse look. As our expert Nathan Amor at Liberty Landscape would say, “Your house and landscape should work together to create a unified, aesthetically pleasing view”.

Cottage style landscape - curb appeal plants

The Importance of Plant Hardiness Zones

Another crucial factor is the plant’s hardiness zone, which refers to the range of temperatures in which a plant can thrive. The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map divides the U.S. into 13 zones based on the average minimum winter temperature. By choosing plants that are suited for your zone, you’ll increase their chances of survival and enhance your home’s curb appeal year-round.

The Role of Color in Complementing the House

Color plays a significant role in enhancing your home’s curb appeal. When choosing your plants, consider the color of your house. For example, a blue house feels calm and collected, accented by a collection of purple, pink, yellow, and white flowers. On the other hand, red trim will pop with orange, bright yellow, and red flowers.

The Need for Low-Maintenance Plants

Lastly, consider the maintenance requirements of the plants. Some plants require regular watering and pruning, which can be time-consuming, especially for busy homeowners. Low-maintenance plants like hostas and geraniums are not only beautiful but also require minimal care, making them ideal for enhancing your home’s curb appeal without adding to your workload.

In the next section, we’ll delve into our top 10 picks for curb appeal plants that will help your home make a strong first impression.

Top 10 Curb Appeal Plants

Ready to make your front yard the envy of the neighborhood? Here are our top 10 curb appeal plants that are not only visually stunning, but also easy to maintain.

Boxwood: Low Maintenance and Versatile

First on our list is the ever-popular boxwood. These plants are low maintenance, sculptable, and can add a touch of elegance to any front yard. Their dense, green leaves look great year-round, making them an excellent choice for consistent curb appeal.

Invincibelle Mini Mauvette Hydrangea: Pinkish-Purple Blooms

These hydrangeas are a color-lover’s dream. Their pinkish-purple blooms create a stunning display, especially when planted in sunny areas. Plus, they only need pruning once a year to help them grow better and live longer.

Knock Out Roses: Colorful and Complementary

Knock Out Roses are another fantastic choice for adding vibrant color to your front yard. Available in red, pink, yellow, or white, these roses can complement any home exterior. They bloom from April to November, and need pruning only once every 2-3 years.

Rozanne Geranium: Attracts Butterflies

Want to invite some friendly fluttering visitors to your yard? Rozanne Geraniums are a great way to do it. Their bluish-purple blooms are not just beautiful, but they also attract butterflies from May to August.

Yaku Prince Rhododendron: Less Pruning Required

For those with shady areas in their yard, Yaku Prince Rhododendrons are an excellent option. They bloom beautiful pink flowers in the spring, and require less pruning than many other plants.

Weigela: Maintenance-Free and Attractive to Wildlife

This shrub is a perfect addition to any front yard. It’s maintenance-free and loved by hummingbirds and butterflies. The bell-shaped flowers bloom in spring and summer, adding a vibrant touch to your curb appeal.

Tomatoes: Versatile and Delicious

Why not add some edible curb appeal plants? Tomatoes are a great option. They’re not just delicious, but also add a lovely splash of color to your front yard. Plus, growing your own tomatoes means you can enjoy varieties that are hard to find in grocery stores.

Peppers: Compact and Flavorful

Like tomatoes, peppers are another great edible plant for your front yard. They’re compact, flavorful, and keep producing a harvest for weeks at a time.

Caladiums: Eye-Catching Color

Caladiums are perfect for adding a pop of color to your front yard. They grow in shade or filtered sun, and some can even take full sun. Plus, they’re available in a variety of stunning colors like cherry red, chartreuse, raspberry, and more.

Snowdance Japanese Tree Lilac: Fast-Growing and Fragrant

Lastly, consider adding a Snowdance Japanese tree lilac to your front yard. This fast-growing tree opens a cloud of fragrant, creamy-white flowers in the summer, adding a touch of elegance to your curb appeal.

By choosing the right curb appeal plants, you can dramatically enhance the front view of your home. And remember, at Liberty Landscape, we’re here to help you every step of the way!

Enhancing Curb Appeal with Hardscaping Elements

A well-landscaped front yard is only one part of the curb appeal equation. Hardscaping elements, like pathways, borders, and containers, add structure and style to your outdoor space. They serve as the backbone of your landscape, guiding the eye and enhancing the visual appeal of your curb appeal plants.

The Role of Pathways, Borders, and Containers in Curb Appeal

Pathways serve a functional purpose, directing foot traffic from the street to your front door. But they also play a vital aesthetic role. A beautifully designed pathway, perhaps lined with midsize shrubs or a row of your chosen curb appeal plants, can significantly enhance your home’s street-side view. Our experts at Liberty Landscape recommend using deep sidewalks that allow for wider flower beds as accents, enhancing the sense of depth and intrigue.

Borders are another great way to boost curb appeal. They define garden spaces and can add a touch of elegance to your front yard. Plant borders with a mix of your favorite curb appeal plants, perhaps grouping them by similar needs to simplify maintenance and create visual harmony.

Containers, like urns or large planters, can add an instant touch of class to your front yard. They are ideal for showcasing statement plants like the Pinpoint Blue false cypress, or for creating a mini garden with a mix of flowers and foliage. Place them strategically around your front yard or flank your entrance for a grand effect.

Using Large Plantings to Anchor the Overall Design

Large plantings, like trees or tall shrubs, can serve as focal points in your landscape design. They draw the eye, provide structure, and help anchor the overall design of your front yard. Most of the time, people see your house quickly, either on a walk or as they drive by. Large, striking plants, placed strategically, can make a powerful impact in such a brief visual encounter.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand the art and science of creating attractive, cohesive landscapes. Whether it’s selecting the right curb appeal plants or designing paths and borders, we’re here to help you create a front yard that boosts your home’s curb appeal and reflects your personal style.

Planning for Year-Round Curb Appeal

When it comes to enhancing your home’s front view, it’s important to think beyond summer blooms. A truly appealing landscape offers interest throughout the year. At Liberty Landscape, we guide you in incorporating structural elements and selecting plants that provide seasonal interest.

Incorporating Structural Elements and Materials for Year-Round Appeal

Just as you would decorate the inside of your home with a mix of furniture and decor, your outdoor space needs a balance of elements too. Structural elements like benches, trellises, or even a deep sidewalk can add interest and functionality to your landscape. These can be particularly helpful during the colder months when most plants are dormant.

Consider incorporating hardscape elements like a stone pathway or an inviting bench. Not only do these provide visual interest, but they also improve the usability of your outdoor space. And don’t forget about containers or urns. They can be filled with seasonal plants, adding a dash of color and life to your entrance all year round.

The Importance of Seasonal Interest in Curb Appeal Plants

The key to maintaining year-round curb appeal is to include a mix of plants that shine in different seasons. For instance, while your spring-blooming daffodils may steal the show in April, you’ll want to have summer-blooming perennials ready to take their place.

For fall interest, consider plants like Japanese anemones or ornamental grasses that offer late-season blooms and textures. As the weather cools down, these plants can add an evocative touch to your landscape. And for the winter, opt for structural plants like holly or boxwood, which provide a sense of permanence and weight. Winter-flowering plants like winter jasmine can add a splash of color to an otherwise dull winter landscape.

Your front yard is the first impression visitors have of your home. By planning for year-round curb appeal, you ensure your home is inviting no matter the season. For personalized guidance on selecting the best curb appeal plants for your unique space, don’t hesitate to contact us at Liberty Landscape. We’re here to help you create a beautiful, sustainable landscape that truly reflects your style and meets your outdoor living needs.


In our journey of enhancing your home’s curb appeal, we’ve discussed an array of beautiful and low-maintenance curb appeal plants. From the versatile Boxwood to the vibrant Blooming Pentas, these plants not only beautify your exterior but also add value to your property.

Each plant has its unique attributes and care requirements. Boxwood’s versatility makes it a favorite among homeowners. Invincibelle Mini Mauvette Hydrangea’s pinkish-purple blooms can add a pop of color to your landscape. Knock Out Roses, with their stunning colors, complement any house. Rozanne Geranium and Mandevilla are excellent choices for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds, while Yaku Prince Rhododendron and Hosta are perfect for those shaded spots in your yard. Gerbera Daisies are known for their cheerful colors and weather resistance, while the tropical Pentas and dramatic Hibiscus can provide a vibrant, vacation-like atmosphere.

Curb appeal is more than just making a great first impression. It’s about creating a welcoming, attractive space that enhances your home’s overall aesthetics and increases its value. As our expert Nathan Amor at Liberty Landscape would say, “landscaping is not just about plants, it’s about creating a space that reflects your style and enhances your lifestyle.”

The plants you choose to decorate your front yard should harmonize with your home’s architectural style, complement its color, and be proportionate to its size. In addition, incorporating hardscaping elements such as pathways and plant containers can further enhance the appeal.

So don’t shy away from rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty in the garden. The results can be fantastic and the process itself is often therapeutic. But if you’re unsure where to start or need professional guidance, we’re here to help. Feel free to reach out to us for personalized guidance on selecting the best curb appeal plants for your unique space.

We hope this guide has inspired you to start your journey in transforming your front yard into a beautiful, inviting oasis. For more tips on enhancing your home’s exterior, check out our blog for more expert advice on landscaping. Happy gardening!

Curb Appeal Plants FAQs

What is the best plant to line a driveway with?

Boxwood shrubs are great for lining driveways. They are hardy and keep their shape well.

What is the best plant to grow for privacy?

Bamboo is a top choice for privacy. It grows tall and dense, blocking views effectively.

What are the best annuals for the front of the house?

Petunias, marigolds, and zinnias are excellent. They add color and charm to the front of any house.

What plants are good for the front garden?

Lavender, hostas, and hydrangeas work well. They are easy to care for and look beautiful.

What is the best plant to block neighbors?

Arborvitae is a popular option. It grows tall and dense, creating a natural wall.

What is the fastest growing plant for a privacy screen?

Willow hybrids grow quickly. They provide a fast and dense privacy screen.

What is a goodbye neighbor plant?

A “goodbye neighbor” plant refers to tall, dense plants like the Thuja Green Giant. They create privacy between properties.

What plants annoy neighbors?

Bamboo can be invasive and bothersome. It spreads quickly and can invade neighboring areas.

What plants should I stay away from?

Avoid invasive species like kudzu or English ivy. They can damage buildings and overrun gardens.