Front Yard Landscaping - Liberty Landscape

10 Cheap And Simple Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

Quick takeaway from this article: Having an attractive front yard doesn’t have to be expensive. With clever landscaping ideas like using perennial plants, limiting plant variety, utilizing large grasses, planting densely, and taking advantage of seasonal plant deals, you can have a beautiful front yard that is also easy on your wallet. Don’t forget budget-friendly strategies like using cardboard for weed control and dividing plants to multiply them for free.

Are you wondering how you can landscape your front yard effectively without breaking the bank? Well, you’re in luck! We at Liberty Landscape fully understand the desire to have a beautiful yet economical front yard. As experts, we know that enhancing your front yard’s curb appeal is essential not only for aesthetics but also for increasing the value of your property. However, we also acknowledge that homeowners often face the dilemma of wanting to achieve this but with cost being a major concern.

We’ll be sharing our expert knowledge on creating a front yard that catches the eye without causing a dent in your financial planning. We bring you 10 clever strategies, all designed to stretch the dollar while accentuating the beauty of your outdoor space.

Stay tuned, you’re about to discover how to make cost-effective decisions that will not only benefit your front yard today but will be assets for years to come, reducing its future maintenance cost.

Infographic detailing the 10 cheap landscaping strategies for front yards - cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas infographic pillar-5-steps

1. Opt for Perennial Plants

When it comes to cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas, selecting the right type of plants can make all the difference. One effective strategy is to opt for perennial plants over annuals. This choice can provide a host of benefits for your front yard and your wallet.

Perennial plants, as opposed to annuals, are plants that live for more than two years. They typically bloom over the spring and summer, die back in the fall and winter, and then return from their rootstock in the spring. This means, unlike annuals that only last for a single growing season, perennials will return year after year. This longevity results in significant savings as you won’t need to purchase new plants each year, cutting down on both cost and time.

A big advantage of perennials is their durability. Perennials such as daylilies, daisies, coneflowers, and lavender are hardy, able to withstand various weather conditions, making them an excellent choice for gardeners looking for low-maintenance plants. Even when not in bloom, their foliage can provide interest and color to your garden throughout the growing season.

As for budget-friendly perennial plants suitable for front yards, our expert at Liberty Landscape, Nathan Amor, recommends starting with easy-to-maintain perennials like hostas and black-eyed Susans. Hostas are ideal for their lush foliage and adaptability to varying light conditions, while black-eyed Susans offer vibrant, long-lasting blooms.

The best plants for your front yard will depend on your specific needs and preferences, but the enduring nature and low-maintenance requirements of perennials make them a wise and cost-effective choice. For more advice on the best perennials for your front yard, check out our extensive guide on Liberty Landscape.

Perennial plants in a garden - cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas

2. Utilize Large Grasses to Fill Gaps

One of the most effective ways to implement cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas is by using large grasses to fill gaps. This approach not only provides visual variety and texture to your front yard but also proves to be a cost-effective solution.

The Aesthetic and Cost Benefits of Large Grasses

Large grasses have a unique aesthetic appeal that can make your front yard look lush and full. They add height and movement to your landscape, creating a dynamic visual effect that’s pleasing to the eye. Moreover, grasses can effectively hide any unsightly features or gaps in your yard, thereby enhancing its overall look.

From a cost perspective, large grasses prove to be a great investment. Most grass varieties are perennials, meaning they’ll return year after year, providing a long-lasting landscaping solution. Furthermore, grasses are typically low-maintenance and can thrive in a variety of soil and climatic conditions, making them a practical choice for most homeowners.

Incorporating Large Grasses into Your Front Yard Landscaping

Incorporating large grasses into your front yard landscaping doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by identifying gaps or areas in your yard that could benefit from some height or texture. Consider the overall aesthetic of your yard and choose grass varieties that complement the existing plants and landscape features.

One of the most popular grasses is the Feather Reed Grass, valued for its tall, slender appearance and feathery summer blooms. If you’re looking for something shorter, Fountain Grass is a great choice with its arching leaves and beautiful fall color.

Ensure that the grasses get enough sunlight and water, especially during their first year. Once established, these grasses typically require minimal maintenance, apart from occasional trimming.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand the unique appeal and practical benefits of large grasses. Our experts can help you select the right grasses for your front yard and provide tips on how to care for them, making your landscaping journey a breeze.

3. Limit the Variety of Plants

One of the most effective cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas is to limit the variety of plants. By doing so, you can create a visually cohesive and well-structured landscape while also minimizing maintenance needs and costs.

When you have fewer plant types, you reduce the amount of different care routines needed. This means fewer tools, less time learning about different plant needs, and ultimately, less money spent. Plus, a limited variety of plants gives your front yard a uniform and polished look, enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

At Liberty Landscape, we recommend selecting plants that are versatile, hardy, and suitable for your local climate. This can significantly reduce the need for constant care, replanting, or replacement due to unsuitable weather conditions.

For example, consider drought-tolerant plants such as native grasses or succulents, which are perfect for areas with watering restrictions. These plants have the added benefit of being low maintenance, requiring little watering once established.

Another excellent choice is perennial plants. Unlike annuals that need to be replanted each year, perennials come back year after year, making them a more cost-effective and time-saving option.

Lastly, consider low-maintenance shrubs and trees. Many varieties have been bred for their resistance to disease and pests and don’t require a lot of attention as they grow. For instance, dwarf conifers, smaller shrubs, and yard trees that reach 10 to 15 feet at maturity require less pruning, reducing your maintenance chores.

Whatever your preferences and needs, our team at Liberty Landscape can help you choose the right plants to create a beautiful, low-maintenance front yard that aligns with your budget.

4. Plant Densely to Deter Weeds

Dense planting is a smart and effective way to keep your front yard looking lush while also keeping pesky weeds at bay. But what makes it one of the best cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas? Well, weeds love open spaces where they have access to sunlight, moisture, and soil. If these conditions are met, they’ll multiply and take over your yard, leaving you with a constant battle against them.

By planting densely, you’re essentially crowding out the weeds and denying them the conditions they need to thrive. Plus, with more of your chosen plants filling the space, your yard will look fuller and more attractive.

Tips to Plant Densely

So, how can you effectively execute dense planting in your front yard? Here are a few expert tips from our team at Liberty Landscape:

1. Choose the Right Plants: Opt for a mix of larger shrubs, perennials, and ground cover plants that can effectively cover the ground. Remember to consider their growth habits and mature sizes to ensure they don’t end up overcrowding each other.

2. Space Your Plants Correctly: While you want to plant densely, you don’t want to crowd your plants too much. They should have enough room to grow without competing for resources.

3. Layer Your Plants: Use taller plants in the back and shorter ones in the front. This not only creates an appealing visual effect but also ensures all plants get an adequate amount of sunlight.

4. Incorporate Naturalistic Design: A naturalistic design, where plants are grouped together as they would in nature, can be beneficial in weed control.

5. Regular Maintenance: Even with dense planting, some weeds may still find a way to sprout. Regular maintenance, such as hand-pulling or hoeing, can help keep them under control.

Dense planting is an effective, low-cost strategy to mitigate weed growth and enhance the look of your front yard. For more advice on implementing this and other cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas, don’t hesitate to contact us at Liberty Landscape. We’re always here to help you create and enjoy a beautiful, weed-free outdoor space.

5. Use Cardboard as a Biodegradable Weed Shield

The battle against weeds can often feel like a never-ending chore. But what if we told you that an effective solution could be hiding in your recycling bin? That’s right, ordinary cardboard can be your secret weapon in the fight against unwanted weeds.

Cardboard as a Weed Deterrent

Cardboard, when used as a mulch or weed barrier, is a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution for weed control. It acts as a physical barrier, blocking weed growth while allowing water and beneficial nutrients to penetrate the soil. The cardboard slowly decomposes, adding organic matter to your soil over time. This method is especially effective for controlling persistent perennial weeds, which can be a significant nuisance in your front yard.

One of the main benefits of using cardboard as a weed deterrent is that it’s readily available and free. Who knew that your old moving boxes or packaging materials could play a key role in your front yard landscaping efforts?

How to Use Cardboard in Your Front Yard

Step 1: Start by gathering large pieces of cardboard. Remove any tape, staples, or shiny print as these materials don’t decompose well.

Step 2: Wet the cardboard. This makes it easier to mold around your plants and also accelerates its decomposition.

Step 3: Lay the cardboard around your plants, overlapping the edges to prevent weeds from peeking through. Be sure not to cover the base of your plants; allow a few inches of space for water and air circulation.

Step 4: Cover the cardboard with a layer of mulch or compost. This not only improves the appearance but also helps keep the cardboard in place and speeds up its decomposition.

Step 5: Water the area thoroughly. This helps the cardboard to adhere to the ground and begin the decomposition process.

The goal here is not to create a permanent barrier but to suppress weed growth long enough for your desired plants to establish themselves and naturally outcompete the weeds.

Using cardboard as a weed shield is a perfect example of cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas that can produce significant results. At Liberty Landscape, we’re always looking to provide practical, cost-effective solutions to help you create a beautiful outdoor space. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need more personalized advice.

6. Take Advantage of Seasonal Plant Deals

One of the smartest ways to save on your landscaping project is to take advantage of seasonal plant deals. The best time to buy plants is often when they’re not in peak demand.

When and Where to Find the Best Plant Deals

Spring is a fantastic time to start your landscaping project, but it’s also the time when everyone else is thinking the same thing. This high demand often results in higher prices. Instead, consider purchasing your plants in late summer or early fall. Many garden centers and big box stores are looking to offload their stock around this time, and you can often find high-quality plants at heavily discounted prices .

It’s not just about when you buy, but where you buy. Consider checking out local nurseries, farmers markets, and even online plant sales. You might be surprised by the deals you can find!

Plants That Are Often Discounted During Certain Seasons

Different plants have different growing seasons, so the best time to buy can vary. For example, perennials are often discounted in the fall as they start to lose their flowers. Similarly, trees and shrubs can also be cheaper in the fall or early spring when they’re dormant.

On the other hand, annuals are often discounted at the end of the summer as they won’t survive the winter. If you’re planning on adding annuals to your garden, this can be a great way to save.

These are general guidelines and the actual best time to buy can vary depending on your local climate and the specific plants you’re interested in.

As our expert, Nathan Amor at Liberty Landscape, always says, “Landscaping doesn’t need to break the bank. With a little planning and savvy shopping, you can create a beautiful front yard on a budget.” So don’t let the cost deter you from pursuing your dream landscape. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to implementing cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas that look anything but cheap.

7. Divide and Multiply Plants for Free

One of the most cost-effective strategies in landscaping is leveraging what you already have. If you’ve got mature plants like hostas, grasses, or peonies, you can use a process known as plant division to multiply your plants for free! Not only does this save you money, but it also helps keep your plants healthy and thriving.

Nathan Amor, our expert at Liberty Landscape, explains, “Most established plants benefit from occasional division. It encourages vigorous growth, reduces overcrowding, and allows you to fill in bare spots in your front yard without spending a dime on new plants.”

How to Divide Plants

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to divide common front yard plants:

  1. Identify the Right Time: The ideal time for division is early spring, just as plants start to show new growth. However, some plants prefer to be divided in the fall. It’s best to research the specific plants you have to ensure you divide them at the appropriate time.
  2. Prepare the Plant: Water the plant a day before you plan to divide it. This will make the division process easier and less stressful for the plant.
  3. Dig Up the Plant: Use a shovel to dig up the entire plant, ensuring you get as much of the root system as possible.
  4. Separate the Plant: Gently separate the plant into two or more sections. Each section should have both roots and shoots. You can use your hands, a sharp knife, or a shovel for this step depending on the size and type of the plant.
  5. Replant: Replant the divisions as soon as possible. Dig a hole that’s wide and deep enough for the root system, place the plant in the hole, backfill it with soil, and water thoroughly.
  6. Care for the New Plants: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged for a few weeks after dividing to help the plants establish.

Not all plants respond well to division, so it’s important to know which ones in your garden will thrive with this method. When done correctly, plant division is one of the most effective cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas that can help you maximize your existing greenery while saving money.

8. Use Containers and Pots for Easy Maintenance

At Liberty Landscape, we often recommend container gardening as a simple and affordable solution for front yard landscaping. Why? For starters, containers and pots are easy to maintain. They allow you to control the soil and watering conditions for each plant, making it simpler to provide optimal care. Container gardening also offers the flexibility to rearrange your plants as you please, allowing you to refresh the look of your yard with ease. Plus, with their contained root systems, there’s less chance for weeds to take over, reducing the time you spend on manual weeding.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Container gardening opens up the opportunity to grow a variety of plants that may not thrive in your local soil. You can introduce exotic flowers, succulents, or even small trees to your front yard. Best yet, if you select drought-tolerant plants, you’ll further reduce water consumption and maintenance time.

Now, let’s get into how you can create a visually appealing container garden in your front yard.

1. Choose a variety of pots: Use a mix of sizes, shapes, and colors to add interest and depth to your front yard. The pot is part of the overall visual appeal, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your selections.

2. Consider the plant’s growth habits: Some plants grow tall, some spread wide, and others trail over the edges of pots. Use these growth patterns to your advantage to create a dynamic display.

3. Group your pots: Rather than spreading individual pots across your yard, group them. This creates a focal point and makes your garden look more cohesive.

4. Use high-quality potting soil: Good soil is the foundation of a healthy container garden. A well-draining potting mix, like the ones we offer at Liberty Landscape, will provide the right conditions for your plants to thrive.

5. Keep up with maintenance: Regular watering, fertilizing, and deadheading (removing spent blooms) will keep your container garden looking its best.

By using containers and pots for your front yard landscaping, you’re not only creating an easy-to-maintain garden, but also adding a personal touch to your outdoor space. It’s a clever and affordable way to get the garden you’ve always wanted, without the high cost and maintenance of traditional landscaping. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a visually appealing container garden that aligns with your cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas.

9. Explore Lawn Alternatives

Maintaining a traditional lawn can be labor-intensive and expensive. Regular watering, mowing, and fertilizing can quickly add up, making it a less-than-ideal option for homeowners seeking cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas. That’s where lawn alternatives come in.

The Benefits of Lawn Alternatives

Lawn alternatives, such as clover or wildflower seed mix, can offer a plethora of advantages. These alternatives require less watering and mowing, making them a more sustainable and low-maintenance option. They can also provide a unique aesthetic appeal to your front yard, standing out from the ubiquitous green lawns in your neighborhood.

Clover, for instance, is a fantastic lawn alternative. It stays green all year round, needs minimal mowing, and requires less water than traditional grass. Plus, it’s great for the soil as it naturally fixes nitrogen, reducing the need for fertilizer. Wildflower seed mix, on the other hand, can transform your yard into a vibrant, colorful space that’s a haven for pollinators.

Budget-Friendly Lawn Alternatives

If you’re considering replacing your traditional lawn with a more budget-friendly alternative, there are several options available. Ground covers like creeping thyme or moss can create a lush, green carpet that’s both low-maintenance and visually appealing.

Native grasses are another excellent option. They’re adapted to local soil and climate conditions, requiring less water and care than non-native species. Plus, as our expert Nathan Amor points out, using native plants can support local wildlife and biodiversity, adding another layer of benefits.

Lastly, consider creating a rock garden. It’s an ideal solution for dry, hot climates where traditional lawns might struggle. Rock gardens require minimal maintenance and can be incredibly attractive, especially when combined with drought-tolerant plants and succulents.

The goal of exploring lawn alternatives is to reduce maintenance, save money, and create a front yard that’s both beautiful and sustainable. And at Liberty Landscape, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

10. Invest in Quality Gardening Tools

Investing in high-quality landscaping tools can seem like a significant upfront expense, but it’s a smart, sustainable practice that saves money in the long run. As our expert, Nathan Amor at Liberty Landscape explains, “When you buy good-quality tools, they last longer, which means you won’t need to replace them frequently. This reduces waste and, over time, your overall expenditure on tools.”

Consider it this way: it’s a bit like buying a reliable car – it may cost more initially, but the lower maintenance and longevity make it a sound investment. Similarly, better quality gardening tools are less likely to break, more efficient, and easier to use, saving you both time and money.

Essential Gardening Tools to Invest In

When it comes to cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas, having the right tools can make all the difference. Here’s a list of essential gardening tools every homeowner should invest in, according to our expert at Liberty Landscape:

  1. Garden Shovels: These are vital for digging and moving soil. Look for models with ergonomic handles to prevent fatigue during prolonged use.
  2. Garden Hoses: A durable garden hose is necessary for watering your front yard. Choose one that can withstand the outdoor elements and frequent use.
  3. Leaf Rakes: These are used to gather and move leaves, mulch, and other debris on lawns.
  4. Wheelbarrows: Perfect for carrying loads or other materials, like soil, mulch, or plants.
  5. Landscape Tampers: These are used to flatten land, fill in depressions, and shape soil when creating landscapes.
  6. Pruning Shears: An essential tool for trimming and shaping plants.
  7. Lawn Mowers: While you might be considering lawn alternatives, a good lawn mower is still a useful tool for maintaining any existing grass areas.
  8. Trimmers: Great for keeping hedges and bushes neat and tidy.
  9. Leaf Blowers: Useful for quick and efficient clean-up of leaves and debris.
  10. Edging Tools: These are essential for defining and maintaining the borders of your lawn or garden beds.

In addition to saving money, investing in quality tools can also improve your landscaping experience. Good tools are easier to use, do their job better, and can turn your front yard landscaping from a chore into a pleasure.

At Liberty Landscape, we believe that sustainable landscaping is about more than just the plants and design – it’s also about using resources wisely, and that includes your gardening tools.


Reimagining your front yard doesn’t have to break the bank. With our clever, cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas, you can transform your outdoor space into a beautiful, inviting, and low-maintenance haven that enhances your property’s appeal.

Let’s quickly recap the strategies we covered:

  1. Opt for Perennial Plants: They come back every year, reducing the need for frequent replanting.
  2. Utilize Large Grasses to Fill Gaps: They provide an affordable and easy way to fill empty spaces.
  3. Limit the Variety of Plants: Less variety means less maintenance and a more cohesive look.
  4. Plant Densely to Deter Weeds: A dense plant bed leaves no space for weeds to grow.
  5. Use Cardboard as a Biodegradable Weed Shield: An eco-friendly and budget-friendly way to keep weeds at bay.
  6. Take Advantage of Seasonal Plant Deals: Buy plants when they’re discounted to save money.
  7. Divide and Multiply Plants for Free: Replant divisions of your existing plants into other parts of your yard.
  8. Use Containers and Pots for Easy Maintenance: They’re easy to maintain and can make a big visual impact.
  9. Explore Lawn Alternatives: Consider low-maintenance, cost-effective alternatives to traditional lawns.
  10. Invest in Quality Gardening Tools: Higher quality tools last longer and can make your landscaping tasks easier.

At Liberty Landscape, we understand that budget-friendly, sustainable landscaping is more than just an aesthetic choice. It can contribute to a healthier environment, support local ecosystems, and even save you money in the long run. Our goal is to help you create a front yard that is not only beautiful but also kind to the planet and your wallet.

Whether you’re planning a major landscaping overhaul or just making some small changes, we hope these tips inspire you and guide your landscaping journey. If you need more assistance, don’t hesitate to explore our blog for additional tips and tricks, or check out our landscaping consultation service. We’re here to help you transform your outdoor space into your dream haven.

Landscaping is a journey, not a destination. With the right tools, knowledge, and a touch of creativity, you can create an affordable, low-maintenance, and stunning front yard that you’ll love for years to come. Happy landscaping!

front yard landscaping ideas - cheap simple front yard landscaping ideas